Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ask the Agents Panel hosted by Chuck Sambuchino

Q: Should you write a full manuscript for memoir?

Regina: Yes. Publishers will generally want to see the full manuscript for authors who are not famous/in the news.

Jessica: Don't use the word "Oprah in your proposal unless it's in the context that you'll be on Oprah next Thursday.

Michelle: She also wants a full manuscripts for memoir.

Q: How do you know that an agent has good editorial relationships?

Jessica: Check their websites and see what books they've published. She says a writer who has an offer from an agent should let them know you'll consider the offer, then email those who have seen your query, let them know you have an offer from "an agent" and offer them a chance look at your full manuscript.

Q: Is there a maximum number of agents you should query at once?

Michelle: Do maybe 8 at a time. You could get helpful feedback from that first batch before you move onto the next group of agents.


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